to Gossip Bitch Mill!
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BY you!

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the In people

Past Gossip

April 2008
May 2008
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September 2009

Your Gossip


Y Sunday, June 15, 2008

C is for church camp and D is for diving!

Good morning B's and G's,

I'm back from both church camp and diving. Both of which were very interesting events and diving was UBER fun.

I think I'm moving on to a new phase in life haha instead of entertaining myself by prank calling people and making lots of noise during camp, I've switched to camwhoring in towels in the toilet and I've dragged Xinyi and Amanda along with me :)haha the two girls whom I love dearly.

As for diving, we were much more comfortable in the water this time round and we saw so many pretty sea creatures on the last dive esp, like a turtle and starfish and schools of fish( not sure what exactly they are). Oh and we got Joel and Monica as our instructors again which was a really huge plus point:) Am really looking forward to the next trip already! Well done to Mum, keith and Lydia, am so proud of you guys!
More pictures will be up later once I've received them all!


you know you love me

9:38 PM

Y Thursday, June 5, 2008

The long wait

Hey Bs and Gs,

Waky waky. Blow the blues away for it is one of the most exciting times of the year. The “one-time-a-year” event for the most scandal and gossip. And you all know what I am talking about.


Yes, the things people do in their rooms. Talks and parties. Or should I say; Gossip and parties. And you know who will be there to serve it to you on a silver platter; shiny and all. I will definitely be burning more than just one lamp to keep up with all the talk and action. But like they all say, “Why sleep when reality is so much better?”

So get your backpacks and shades ready Bs and Gs. We are all headed for Camp and I can’t wait to find out who will be awarded Camper of the Year. But that will be dependent on each and everyone of your conduct. You know who will be watching. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

See you all at camp.
D (your unofficial camp captain)

you know you love me

10:45 AM

Y Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Amanda's 21st

Hello B's and G's,
Recently, Amanda celebrated her 21st birthday at the Grand Mecure Roxy Hotel. It was supposed to be a poolside party but due to the heavy downpour it was held in the ballroom instead.

Just a couple of shoutouts to :
Uncle Robert, for rendering his help throughout the entire process. You're the man!
The staff of Grand Mecure Roxy, for such pleasant service.
Mum and Dad, for being so supportive through the planning.
Don, for doing the video presentation.
Daryl and Kendrick, for spending so much time and effort on the 'Bikini Babe' card.
Kendrick , for managing the reception so well.
Jonathan, for being such a wonderful photographer. The pictures are so pretty.
Deborah, for hosting the games.
Joanne, Caleb and Matthew for performing, Amanda really enjoyed it!
Reuben, Kendrick, Daryl, Darren for practing even though we didn't end up performing.


Everyone else for your presence and presents!
If I have forgotten to name you down specifically, blame my head and not my heart.


you know you love me

8:46 AM

Y Monday, June 2, 2008

The Hottie and the Nottie

Hello peeps!
So Mandy, Don and I accompanied my mum, Lydia , Keith and Marianne for their pool session ( scuba diving) and we saw Adam Chen the 31-year-old hottie suntanning.
It was kinda funny cause he was like sleeping while tanning and Marianne went to tap him and ask "Erm can we take a picture with you?"
He is really nice by the way. So polite and gentlemanly honestly.

So many of you might be thinking big deal, its just Adam Chen. But honestly his physique is to-die-for ( if you were a guy I mean). Besides I was just browing through the recent Mtv Awards pictures on msn and honestly some of the hollywood people looked utterly U-G-L-Y. And some of these celebrities include Nicole from the pussycatdolls and Sarah Jessica Parker from Sex in the City. Very few male artisties were up, probably because they were not even worth looking at.

Therefore props tp Adam Chen who looks so suave naturally and to his boyish charm, without the fancy make up, hair do and stuff. Mt Faber Safra is so my favourite public pool from today!


you know you love me

7:12 AM