to Gossip Bitch Mill!
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Your Gossip


Y Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wind it Up.

Hello B's and G's,

the end is near.
no more posts will be posted.
the end is here.



you know you love me

10:52 PM

Y Thursday, September 24, 2009


The latest talk around town is inevitably the G20 force in a New World Order. No longer do our white( no pun intended here Mr. Obama), caucuasian 'friends' dominate the economic playground with the inclusion of our friendly neighbourhood Asian and Latin American friends. It's a happy bright cheery world once more!!!

At least according to the United States who recognise the importance of fast-growing developing countries like China, Brazil and India and would like to empower them in terms of global policies.

According to reports, the Obama administration claims this move will see the G20 " become the leading international economic grouping, tasked with preventing future crises".

I think 4 last words are missing from that quote.... for.the.United.States

Who are you kidding Mr. Obama? With all the focus on the financial crisis that emerged from America evident from:

"the packed agenda including proposals to raise capital requirements for financial institutions, rein in executive compensation and reduce imbalances between shop-till-you-drop countries like the United States and export behemoths like China, Germany and Japan" ( NYT, 24th Sep)

Other pressing issues such as removing trade barriers in politically charged arenas like agriculture have been pushed into the periphery of current discussions. AND to think you still implemented high tariffs on chinese automobile imports 2 weeks ago. seriously.the rest of us are not impressed at all..do better on the truth-o-meter will you?

Forget the group of 20- I say kick the U.S out and have a group of 19 instead!


you know you love me

11:08 PM

Y Sunday, September 20, 2009

Death Cab for Cutie

Pity and Fear

I have such envy
For the stranger lying next to me
Who awakes in the night
And slips out into the pre-dawn light
With no words
A clean escape
No promises or messes made
And chalks it all up
To mistake, mistake, mistake

And there are no tears
Just pity and fear
And a vast ravine
Right in between

A storm at sea
The bow cracked
And I was capsizing
And I sunk below
Where I swore I would never go
If you can't stand in place
You can't tell who is walking away
From who remains
Who stays, who stays, who stays

And there are no tears
Just pity and fear
And a vast ravine
Right in between

'Cause there are no tears
Just pity and fear
And I recall
The push more than the fall
The push more than the fall

no I'm not emo haha this song is actually my ringtone..although not many people listen to death cab for cutie.


you know you love me

6:53 PM

Y Friday, September 18, 2009

Jane Tucker must die

As much as I try to inhibit the inner bitch in me..girls like you totally peeve me off....

To date, I must admit you are somewhat attractive, seemingly intelligent and from my occasional interactions with you, you make a pleasant girlfriend. Karma however, does not make a good friend, Karma is a bitch and she's gonna get you right when you least expect it.

You have a boyfriend for goodness sake, do whatever you have to do to remind yourself that you are attached. If need be, stick his picture on your ceiling so the first thing you see in the morning when you open your eyes is him.

Not going out with a different guy every weekend is, contrary to popular western culture, actually a healthy sign that you are able to be committed and that you are not some libidinous lass!

DO not EVER complain to me that you're having relationship problems because I will not say cheesy things like " oh no he's being so unreasonable and difficult to deal with" and shower you with sympathy ...instead I'm just going say, with the most matter-of-fact expression I can facially conjour - "John Tucker has died and now it's your turn. RIP"

oh why do some girls do the things they do?


you know you love me

7:13 AM

Y Wednesday, September 16, 2009

the day I pull out my hair and scream into a pillow.

Hello B's and G's,
I've got highly catastrophic news...HOUSE INTERNET IS DOWN!!SCREAMS AND PULLS AT HAIR (on the head). on top of the fact that our telephone line is still down. I seriously feel like screaming not-so-nice-words into my pillow.

which means the only way I get my internet access is to trudge my sorry ass all the way to the library. SSH in the day, bioscience at night.

HOWEVER,the good thing is I have no distractions anymore..no having 8 people conversations concurrently.. no reading gossip feeds from blogs..no online shopping..no watching dramas

oh and I killed one housefly and one super monstrous ant. YAY ME!

If you need to contact me, text,call, email or holler...


you know you love me

9:47 PM

Y Monday, September 14, 2009

A black Ass

Dear Kanye West,

you are one big black ASS, how could you do such a preposterous thing at the VMA's. To think of all people you would do that to sweet little Taylor Swift, who was so delighted at having won an award! And no, an apology on your blog doesn't count as anything. Taylor take your banjo and whop him upside down.

However, if there's a teeny weeny possibility that the whole thing was staged, I must really say Americans are running out of ideas to entertain their audience.


you know you love me

6:08 AM

Y Thursday, September 10, 2009

Friends are like photographs

Friends are like photographs, you will always want to take new ones and yet you will always keep the old ones :)

I'm really glad I've plentiful of good friends here in Brissy. They really become your family away from home, with the advantage of choice ( no doubt I have also come to realise some people will never be part of the clan).

After what feels like eons, Kim and I went for a nice evening run. haha I realised there's just so much to update you on since we stopped being roomies. Oh and Sweetie, you are definitely on your way to bimbo-city LOL and it's not a bad thing cause you're adorable!

My new housemate Charissa is kinda awesome as well with her entertaining stories and gossip feed haha plus we get the benefit of sharing items for potluck, for now.

The Bcc gang is just fantabulous, with our endless trail or activities this semester..I'm so looking forward to strawberry picking * grins* ...haha thanks to the obligate who has planned it all from Relient K to Noosa :) AND who has officially become cool because his knowledge on grey's has expanded by leaps and bounds 2 seasons to be exact ;) AND because he, like Dr Yang, is becoming more human. YAY for you obligate! haha


I miss you fang- the girl who has to crap every morning in JC before assembly, who chokes on her own saliva at the sound of distant thunder and hilariously the one who told me Christopher Chen went to jail LOL and I was like ' Oh no who's going to teach us geography??!!' only to find out it was Christopher Lee...haha

I miss you Ken - if life was a show and the show was 'ugly betty', you'll be Marc St James and I'll be Amanda Tanen Sommers:) when I get home this summer we are going to do everything on our 'bucket list' before I head back down under. But for now, be good and dig out all of Gwen's dirty laundry hahaha

Finally, I miss my family and Max a.k.a my best buddies! - Saturday mornings at East Coast walking the dog , doing breakfast together, and gossiping about everything under the Sun(literally)...now that is what I call Bliss :)

all my resolve to work on my psyc essay has dissipated and I don't seem to care haha
mum if you are reading this do not freak out..I will get down to it..sooner....or later haha


you know you love me

5:48 AM